Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Soriano hits game winner!

Cubs sweep the Dodgers! Soriano hits a short fly ball down the left field line in the 10th inning to bring in the game winning hit. He really reached down to get it as well.
Box score here.

McClellan to be on Olbermann Thursday

This should be... interesting. Will Keith be nice to him? Can that even be possible?

Cubs game goes into extras

The Cubs saved Z a loss when they scored the game tying run in the 9th inning. Theriot got on first and DLee hit a high foul ball that would have been a walk-off home run had it stayed fair. After he made an out, Ramirez walked, and Kosuke hit a single because the Dodgers closer, Saito, couldn't find 1st base. With the bases loaded, Soto hit a sac fly to Ethier, who I'm convinced now doesn't have the arm a team would want in RF. Cedeno, who pinch ran for Ramirez, got to 3rd and Theriot scored. DeRosa made the final out to right field during the next at bat.

Currently the game is in the top of the 10th, with Howry pitching. Box score to come later.

Scott McClellan

What should we make of this story? I personally can't stand the guy and don't really want to give him the benefit of the doubt for his book. He probably is just upset about something, maybe the Plame leak? But I really don't know... he was the villain for so long. He was the guy that David Gregory got in an argument with. He was the guy who had a hair cut like Nixon's press secretary... He was the... well, you get the point.

Anyway, I don't really know what to make of him. I think it boils down to making money for his book.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cubs Win Again!

The Cubbies pulled out another one against the Dodgers, winning 3-1. Fukudome had an amazing diving catch in right field... that better be in the Top Ten on Sportscenter tomorrow.

Gallagher had another good game, and the Cubs look like they are in for a good season, perhaps another playoff appearance.

And on a side note, Lasorda sang Take me out to the ball game and said root root for the Dodgers at Wrigley. Then the Cubs took the lead.. That'll show him.
Box score here.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Jimmy Carter's statement

Jimmy Carter made some headlines today for announcing that Israel has 150 nukes. This is well known, but has not been confirmed by the American government because of their relationship with Israel.

It's good that Carter came out and said this because everything we see in our media is very heavily favored for Israel, a country that came of existence at the end of World War II when the British pushed Palestinians off half of their land (and the better farming land, for that matter).

Click here for the article on Israel.

Carter also recently said that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race at the end of the primaries. I hope she listens to him and everyone else.

Click here for the post on Daily Kos on Carter's request to Hillary.

Cubs Win

The Cubs dropped the Los Angeles Jaywalkers today to end their 2 game losing streak. The announcers had thought that pitching prospect Clayton Kershaw would have pitched during this series, but the Dodgers wanted to use him on Sunday instead.
Lee had a 1st inning home run and Ramirez hit a late home run and Kerry Wood got the save. Ryan Dempster started.

Sean Gallagher starting tomorrow against Kuroda.
Today's box score here.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A short post on Recount, the HBO film about the 2000 election and Florida.

A great movie, if you can suffer the nightmare all over again...

Cubs fall in extras again

If the Cubs played AL ball.. i.e. minor league style, with a DH... they wouldn't have to worry about Soriano's fielding. I guess he dropped a fly ball in left field in the 9th that cost the Cubs the game. Soriano will figure it out though. It happens.
Box score here.

Rove is... well, Rove.

The Sunday morning shows were not the best this morning. The highlight was Karl Rove on This Week on ABC. Rove said that Obama should go get some experience when asked what Barack should do to win the presidency. This from a man who worked for George W. Bush? A man who was pushed through Yale because of his last name? Who didn't go to Vietnam, but instead joined the national guard to get out of the war?

Rove's commentary on Obama is ridiculous. If Bush had been a decent president maybe Rove would have had a point. But Obama was the only one smart enough to know that invading Iraq would be a bad decision. He may not be an economist, but let's face it... McCain admitted the economy wasn't his strong suit either, and McCain's idea of staying in Iraq for 100 years in "peacetime" shows how far removed he is from the realities of the war in Iraq.

I can't wait until this nightmare is over.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Bucs squeak by the Cubs in 14

Jason Bay hit a fly ball in the 14th over Reed Johnson's head to bring the winning run home and the game to an end.

On a side note, Kosuke Fukudome had a great game, with a clutch hit in the 8th and a good attempt at throwing out the game tying run in the 9th, despite having to run backwards to catch the sacrifice fly.

Full game box score here.

Problem with Wright coverage

The media in the past months have periodically played video of Rev. Jeremiah Wright on the television while raising questions about Barack Obama's association with him.

The question is whether Obama shares the views of his pastor for about 20 years or not. The answer is most definitely no. As much as I like Obama as a candidate, I do have an understanding of politics to some degree. Obama is a politician, and for most of the past 20 years, he has either been serving the community preparing for a life in politics (I assume that was the reason, I'm sorry if that is an incorrect assessment), and then went into the Illinois State Senate in 1997.

Now, this is very simple... although somehow it escapes Brit Hume and other commentators on the television. If you were a politician running for state senate.... which church would give you the advantage in the race? Would it be the church with 100-200 members... or the church with 8,000 members? Of course you would choose the church with 8,000 members because that church has the most eligible voters. Trinity is perhaps the largest church in Chicago, or at least the largest church in his state senate district. No matter how controversial remarks are on Sunday, when you are a state senator (not a U.S. Senator) a church with 8,000 members is a good asset.

Politicians don't choose their churches based on personal preference... they choose their churches based on politics... they choose everything based on politics. Tell Brit Hume and others that the next time you see him. Click here for a video. Thanks to Veracifier for posting this video.

Instant Replay in Baseball

Major League Baseball, for the first time, may institute a replay system for the start of next season. After a series of bad calls, particularly in regards to home runs in the past week, baseball seems to be in a panic to fix a system that has been in place for more than 140 years.

Now, I'm a big believer in tradition. I think there are many things that baseball has added that they could be removed(such as the designated hitter), but there also have been some good changes over the past 140 years (the Wild Card and 6 divisions).

Instituting a replay system for use in some circumstances would be a good idea for Major League Baseball. Blown calls that should be easy to make should not be the determining factor in a baseball game. A team should never win a game on a blown home run call. I think it would be ok to review home run calls, fair/foul calls, and safe-out calls on the base paths. Balls and strikes should never be reviewed though because that would be ridiculously difficult.

For the story about General Managers voting 25-5 in favor of some form of instant replay from last November, click here.

Here is the opinion of Fighting Fish 1st baseman Mike Jacobs and Astros manager Cecil Cooper. Also, a contrasting view from Cubs manager Lou Piniella.

Time for the Superdelegates to end the race

According to the liberal blog, Daily Kos, Barack Obama needs 56 delegates to wrap up the nomination. Hillary Clinton needs 246. There are currently 294 pledged delegates left and 208 superdelegates. That means that if about 1 out of 4 superdelegates would come out in support of Obama, the race would be over. That means if Obama wins 25-30% of the vote in the remaining contests, the race would be over. It's time for the superdelegates to end her campaign.

Mark DeRosa, a future broadcaster?

I've always wondered what various players do after their careers have ended. Some go into managing, some go into ownership stakes, some go into the broadcast booth, and others do various other things. Mark DeRosa, a Cubs 2nd baseman (and 3rd baseman, and 1st baseman, and right fielder and left fielder), has an active blog (see link on the right hand side) in which he interviews his own teammates and writes about himself and the team. Granted blogging is different from being a broadcaster, but I bet DeRosa will find his way into a booth somewhere in the Major Leagues.

Bush at it again...

President Bush has once again said that the security of the United States would be in jeopardy if we leave Iraq too soon.

Who is Bush to say we should endlessly sacrifice the lives of our soldiers in a war that looks increasingly impossible to win? Did he go to Vietnam? Of course not. He got into the National Guard (which NEVER went overseas during the Vietnam War, unlike this war). He has an unbelievable nerve...

The sad part of all of this, is that some American citizens will blame our next president, Barack Obama, for losing a war.... a war where victory is almost impossible. That of course, is part of the political games the Republicans will play, however.

Click here for the article and thanks to the Drudge Report for posting it.

MLB steroids

"The sides announced the agreement April 11 and owners ratified it on May 14. The deal increases the frequency of tests and the authority of the program's independent administrator, among the recommendations made in December by baseball drug investigator George Mitchell." - ESPN AP article.
The MLB Player's Union has continued to get hammered on this issue in recent years. No union deserves to get hammered more, and with the new tougher drug testing policies, MLB is at least moving toward a steroid-free sport.

That said, it's time for the federal government to stop worrying about steroids in baseball. It was justified in the beginning because the MLB Player's Union was too powerful for the commissioner to beat them on that issue. But now, with the game back on the right track, the government should focus their attention on the war and the economy.

The Mitchell Report was alright because George Mitchell no longer serves in the Senate, but hopefully our Congress and White House can work on something else for a long time to come... they'll need to.

For the full article, click here.

A nice column on poor Ted, as well as a nice article.

Greatest Senator ever. Period. click here for the column. Click here for the USA Today article.

Cubs Friday night game

Here is all the info on the last game against Pittsburgh.
click here.

Mike Royko

A few quotes from the greatest journalist ever...
"Show me somebody who is always smiling, always cheerful, always optimistic, and I will show you somebody who hasn't the faintest idea what the heck is really going on."

“His goal is not quality journalism. His goal is vast power for Rupert Murdoch, political power.”

The subject of criminal rehabilitation was debated recently in City Hall. It's an appropriate place for this kind of discussion because the city has always employed so many ex-cons and future cons."

Hating the (New York) Yankees is as American as pizza pie, unwed mothers, and cheating on your income tax."

Reasons Why Wrigley Field is the best field in all of MLB

1. There is no jumbotron at Wrigley
2. The hand operated scoreboard
3. The clock on the scoreboard
4. The standings in team flag form (National League only)
5. The ivy (This really shouldn't be #5)
6. The brick wall (no other stadium really needs a warning track more than Wrigley)
7. The dimensions in right field and left field are fairly even.
8. It can be a hitters park or a pitchers park, based on the wind.
9. Fans sitting on top of apartment buildings
10. The bleacher bums
11. There are no fireworks.
12. It was built in 1914.
13. It is NOT named after a corporation, but after a family name.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Why Hillary can't win

Ok, so here's the argument. Give Hillary Clinton a 70%-30% win in every state on the following website (including Florida and Michigan).

If you think she can get 70% in every state and win by 6 delegates... after her RFK statements... we'll see...
Thanks to Slate Magazine for posting this delegate counter and keeping it active.

On a side note... Jim Edmonds

Edmonds is a Cardinal who doesn't belong in a Cubs uniform. How could the Cubs do this to us? He's supposed to be our enemy.... It reminds me of when the Cubs signed an Astros left fielder I couldn't stand either... Moises Alou... I still haven't forgiven him for running longtime Cubs commentator Steve Stone out of town.
Edmonds, at least, signed a contract for the league minimum, but with the way he's batting... I would prefer to see Pie again and let Edmonds move on to play centerfield for someone else.

Barack's VP

The issue has come up in the media the past few days. Barack has several things to weigh on the issue of Vice President.
First, he needs someone who can help him "balance" the ticket. This is an issue for every election and every presidential candidate's VP choice. The nominee presumably has the ability to appeal to certain constituencies and his or her VP should help add some other constituency to his or her campaign. Many times, the Vice Presidential candidate comes from a battleground state.
Second, Barack needs to find someone who is comfortable attacking John McCain. A vice presidential candidate has to be capable of attacking the other party's nominee.
In recent days, several names have come up as suggestions. Senator Diane Feinstein, D-California, a Clinton supporter, suggested that Hillary would be the best choice. Chris Matthews of MSNBC has been touting Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell for months for either candidate. Other names such as Senator Jim Webb, D- Virginia and the governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius. I even heard one show's guest suggest Clinton supporter Tom Vilsack from Iowa would be a good choice.
The argument for Clinton is that a different constituency is voting for her, but she is from New York, which Barack would never lose, and is so hated by republicans that she may hurt Barack more than hurt him.
Rendell and Vilsack are Clinton supporters, which make them an unlikely choice. Webb and Sebelius both have upsides. Webb, a Vietnam veteran, has foreign policy credentials that could give him the credibility to attack McCain, and I wouldn't be opposed to him being the choice. I haven't seen much of Sebelius, so I can't speak for her performance in front of a camera. However, she is from a battleground state and has been a supporter of Barack's.
I would, however, prefer to go out on a limb. A senator from Missouri, Claire McCaskill, D-MO, has not been mentioned by some commentators as a possibility. However, she is from a key battleground state (like Webb and Sebelius) but also has an amazing ability for tearing apart political opponents. She has been masterful in her television appearances. In her senate campaign, she ran an ad saying that her opponent killed Superman because he opposed stem cell research. This was probably unfair, but unfortunately, politics has gotten this dirty because it seems to reward tactics that may seem unethical. But since this is the way the game is played, McCaskill has my support for VP.