Saturday, May 24, 2008

MLB steroids

"The sides announced the agreement April 11 and owners ratified it on May 14. The deal increases the frequency of tests and the authority of the program's independent administrator, among the recommendations made in December by baseball drug investigator George Mitchell." - ESPN AP article.
The MLB Player's Union has continued to get hammered on this issue in recent years. No union deserves to get hammered more, and with the new tougher drug testing policies, MLB is at least moving toward a steroid-free sport.

That said, it's time for the federal government to stop worrying about steroids in baseball. It was justified in the beginning because the MLB Player's Union was too powerful for the commissioner to beat them on that issue. But now, with the game back on the right track, the government should focus their attention on the war and the economy.

The Mitchell Report was alright because George Mitchell no longer serves in the Senate, but hopefully our Congress and White House can work on something else for a long time to come... they'll need to.

For the full article, click here.

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