Sunday, May 25, 2008

Rove is... well, Rove.

The Sunday morning shows were not the best this morning. The highlight was Karl Rove on This Week on ABC. Rove said that Obama should go get some experience when asked what Barack should do to win the presidency. This from a man who worked for George W. Bush? A man who was pushed through Yale because of his last name? Who didn't go to Vietnam, but instead joined the national guard to get out of the war?

Rove's commentary on Obama is ridiculous. If Bush had been a decent president maybe Rove would have had a point. But Obama was the only one smart enough to know that invading Iraq would be a bad decision. He may not be an economist, but let's face it... McCain admitted the economy wasn't his strong suit either, and McCain's idea of staying in Iraq for 100 years in "peacetime" shows how far removed he is from the realities of the war in Iraq.

I can't wait until this nightmare is over.

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