Saturday, May 24, 2008

Problem with Wright coverage

The media in the past months have periodically played video of Rev. Jeremiah Wright on the television while raising questions about Barack Obama's association with him.

The question is whether Obama shares the views of his pastor for about 20 years or not. The answer is most definitely no. As much as I like Obama as a candidate, I do have an understanding of politics to some degree. Obama is a politician, and for most of the past 20 years, he has either been serving the community preparing for a life in politics (I assume that was the reason, I'm sorry if that is an incorrect assessment), and then went into the Illinois State Senate in 1997.

Now, this is very simple... although somehow it escapes Brit Hume and other commentators on the television. If you were a politician running for state senate.... which church would give you the advantage in the race? Would it be the church with 100-200 members... or the church with 8,000 members? Of course you would choose the church with 8,000 members because that church has the most eligible voters. Trinity is perhaps the largest church in Chicago, or at least the largest church in his state senate district. No matter how controversial remarks are on Sunday, when you are a state senator (not a U.S. Senator) a church with 8,000 members is a good asset.

Politicians don't choose their churches based on personal preference... they choose their churches based on politics... they choose everything based on politics. Tell Brit Hume and others that the next time you see him. Click here for a video. Thanks to Veracifier for posting this video.

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