Saturday, May 24, 2008

Reasons Why Wrigley Field is the best field in all of MLB

1. There is no jumbotron at Wrigley
2. The hand operated scoreboard
3. The clock on the scoreboard
4. The standings in team flag form (National League only)
5. The ivy (This really shouldn't be #5)
6. The brick wall (no other stadium really needs a warning track more than Wrigley)
7. The dimensions in right field and left field are fairly even.
8. It can be a hitters park or a pitchers park, based on the wind.
9. Fans sitting on top of apartment buildings
10. The bleacher bums
11. There are no fireworks.
12. It was built in 1914.
13. It is NOT named after a corporation, but after a family name.

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